Monday, January 20, 2014

As Is Evaluation of the OSU Off-Campus Housing Web Site

An Analysis of Craigslist

1. Visibility of system status:
-The division of nine different categories and sub-categories within, makes it a simple to navigate and successfully use the site.
 -When navigating past the home page, the search toolbar follows at the top of the page making it difficult to miss
-The event calendar is unclear for what it is actually used for
-Newest postings are at the top of ones newsfeed

2. Match between system and the real world:
The categories and sub-categories designed within is familiar to real world conventions. (Community, personals, discussion frames, etc.)
-The link "post to classifieds" should be renamed to "Create a Posting". Was unaware of what the link actually did until I pressed it.
-Unclear what the category "gigs" is

3. User control and freedom:
-Craigslist does not make it very clear how to go backwards while navigating within the site. The only clear option that is available is the back button located on the browser of the window. When providing user friendly buttons to retrieve/go back to previous sites encourages the user to explore the site with minimal frustration.
-Can not edit my craigslist searches. If I mess one up I have to delete it and create a fixed copy of it.
-There are no links under the "resumes" category

4. Consistency and standards:
-Consistency of text size is the same throughout the site
-The links should all be capitalized

5. Error prevention:
-Categories are not defined, so it is unclear which category is the best for the user to select.
-Cursor changing from an arrow to a hand signifies that a user can click on a link.

6. Recognition rather than recall:
-For returning users, Craigslist should recall which city was last selected and should be set as a default.

7. Flexibility and efficiency of use:
-Links provide successful feedback. Once a link is clicked it changes from blue to purple
-Search Tool speeds up the search process

8. Aesthetic and minimalist design:
-The existing craiglist interface is very minimal with an overall simple design
-The homepage has to many links making it hard to find your desired interest
-Adding a larger color pallet with pictures would increase aesthetics of the overall design
-There is minimal hierarchy in content located throughout the site
-Unsure the purpose to why "new","updated", and "craigslist is hiring in sf" is a different color (not blue)

9. Help users recognize, diagnose, and recover from errors:
-"There were no postings that match your search criteria" Would be helpful if there were suggestions of what the user should do next.

10. Help and documentation:
-Visible at the bottom of each page is a small help link available throughout the site. Although there is a help but present, I believe a "Help" or "Instruction" button should be included somewhere more visible to a user.


Overall craigslist has a clear purpose and vision about their site. Although there are a few usability issues present, Craigslist is one of the most popular websites in the world for posting advertisements. With such high user traffic, making minor changes to this site should not be done until in-depth studies are conducted. Users become accustomed to Craigslist current aesthetics and functionality, and changing something could cause harm.

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